Αρχή / Ανακοινώσεις / eUrMOVE 2016 – MOVE FOR DIABETES


EURMOVE CHALLENGE – Final Announcement

eurmoveDiabetes is a 24hours/7days job. People with diabetes need to manage their disease every day, every hour, every minute of their lives – i.e.: 365 days per year, or 8.760 hours or 525.600 minutes! This is why EURmove wants to get Europe to move 525.600 minutes by November 14, World Diabetes Day…

Show your support and join the Challenge! Move more and live a healthier life! 🙂

The goal of the Challenge is to raise awareness on diabetes in Europe, to promote the benefits of physical activity in the general population as well as in people with diabetes, and to foster making a habit of being active. Participants should aim for 15-30 minutes of activity at least 5 times a week. Winners in the individual category (most active minutes) and group category (country with most participants and country with most active minutes) will be announced on 14 November, World Diabetes Day, on the website of IDF Europe. For more information about the challenge go tohttp://www.idf.org/idf-europe-i-move-u-moveeurmovehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/eurmove2016/ – or on Instagram #eurmove2016
